Monday, October 3, 2011

The Beginnings of a Bibliography, Accompanied by the Formation of a Hypothesis, for the Contemplation of the Learned.

The more I read, the more I notice the heavy apocalyptic undertones (and overtones) in Puritan writing, which has led me to suspect that participation in witchcraft trials gave women a way to participate directly in the violent, and perhaps ultimate struggle against evil which dominated Puritan narrative identity. I've focused my bibliography around this possibility, and on determining just how big a role apocalypticism played in Puritan pop culture.

Preliminary Bibliography
Callis, Mark. “The Aftermath of the Salem Witch Trials in Colonial America.” Historical Journal of Massachusetts 33(2). Oct 2005: 187-213
Doty, Kathleen. “Formulaic Discourse and Speech Acts in the Witchcraft Trial Records of Salem, 1692.” Journal of Pragmatics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language Studies 41 (3). 2009 Mar: 458-469.
---. “'I Will Tell, I Will Tell': Confessional Patterns in the Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692.” Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3 (2). 2002: 299-335.
---. “(Un)Becoming Conduct: Cotton Mather's Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion and the Salem Witchcraft Crisis.” Instructional Writing in English. Eds. Matti Peikola and Janne Skaffari. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Benjamins, 2009.
Gildrie, Richard P. “The Salem Witchcraft Trials as a Crisis of Popular Imagination.” Essex Institute Historical Collections 128(4). 1992: 270-285.
Kittredge, George Lyman. “Notes on Witchcraft.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 18. Apr 1907: 148-212.
Kusunoki, Akiko. “'Their Testament at Their Apron-Strings': The Representation or Puritan Women in Early-Seventeenth-Century England.” Gloriana's Face: Women, Public and Private, in the English Renaissance. Eds. S. P. Cerasano and Mario Wynne-Davies. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1992.
Maclear, J. F.. “New England and the Fifth Monarchy: The Quest for the Millenium in Early American Puritanism.” William & Mary Quarterly 23(2). Apr 1975: 223-260.
---. "’With Bodilie Eyes’: Eschatological Themes in Puritan Literature and Gravestone Art.” William & Mary Quarterly 40(3).  Jul 1983: 469-471.
Ray, Benjamin. “Satan’s War Against the Covenant in Salem Village, 1692.” New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 80 (1). 2007 Mar: 69-95.
Silva, Cristobal. “Miraculous Plagues.” Early American Literature 43(2). Jun 2008: 249-275.
Tracy, Allison. “Uncanny Afflictions: Spectral Evidence and the Puritan Crisis of Subjectivity.” Spectral America: Phantoms and the National Imagination. Ed. Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. Madison, WI: Popular, 2004.


  1. Hi Jonas,

    I've always wondered, were women allowed to be judges at the witch trials? If so, do you know how they were chosen?

    I truly look forward to seeing your project progress. This stuff really fascinates me :)

  2. Dominique,

    All of the judges at the courts of Oyer and Terminer were men. Women were active as witnesses, however.

